Kathleen Daunhauer Certified Dr Hauschka Esthetician,Victoria, BC Canada


Monday, June 13, 2016

Using Rose to Promote Self Love

I have been reading this great book that was mentioned in Marshal Rosenberg's classic, 
'Non Violent Communication' book. Published in the early 70's by John Powell it is called, 'The Secret to Staying in Love'. Powell is a psychologist and theologian, the best combo in my opinion, blending mind and spirit.  The book  got me thinking about the healing power of rose. You see Powell asserts that to experience love on must love oneself and for the vast majority of us, deeply loving and accepting ourselves is something we resist. I won't get into all the reasons we do this, get the book he explains it way better then I could. 
What I will say, is that on reflection I see places (many places) where I want to and need to go deeper into loving and accepting myself. Can I truly say I am happy to be me and I wouldn't choose any other life over the one I have? If that is my measuring stick to self acceptance some fine tuning is needed. 

With that realization running through my head, rose was the next thought that came to me. Ah some divine guidance!   Called the queen of flowers, rose has a harmonizing effect on the body and is perfect to use during times of stress and emotional exhaustion when you need more nurturing support. Rose is the flower that we give to say we love someone. Rose is the mother flower, bringing a mothers love, care, and tenderness. Rose envelops us in her nurturing ways.

I have a array of healing oils I use and rotate through. My last one was lemon oil for the cellulite I noticed on my almost 50 year old thighs. I am ready to move on, accepting the lumpy bumpy, knowing I have more important things to focus on, and that ultimatly I will be okay with 'older thighs'. Now I will bring rose into my life. After each morning shower I will apply a light layer of rose oil to my still damp skin.  I know as I do this I will realize that once again I am feeling this urge to rush, with my never ending list of things I must 'DO'.  And I can make a choice to slow down, right in this moment and tune into the soothing, caring, loving qualities rose has to give. To support my own self love, this month I will be using rose.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Things That are Keeping Me Happy This February

Hello all, 

My biggest source of happiness seems to be coming from painting. 

I have been taking a online painting classes since October and the creative juices are flowing. 
It's been so awesome that I have signed up for a year long painting course! Here is the course I am taking : Year Long Painting Class

Some of my recent finished works and I do sell my paintings.

Click here to view  My art website.

Vikings!  For your viewing pleasure.  I have been enjoying watching this series.

All that testosterone and the strong shield maidens!  

Mushrooms are keeping me healthy and thriving this February. 

I didn't get on the mushroom band wagon till now. I take Rishi, Cordyceps, and Chaga. They all help support  different functions such as energy, calmness, and immunity.
I like and take all of them.
Read which ones might be supportive for you here : Mushroom medicine to support your health.

Another easy thing I am doing for my health is making herbal infusions. 
This comes from Susun Weed, the queen of all things herbal. 
I have 6 different herbs I rotate through. I brew my infusion at bed time and let them sit over night leaving me with a refreshing mineral rich brew to sip on the next day.
My six herbs are Red Clover, Nettles, Oat Straw, Dandelion, Comfrey, and Burdock.
Read how to make an infusion here: How to make a herbal infusion to super charge you.

For your listening pleasure. Ayla Nereo, music for your soul, I hope this helps you soar!

Lastly I came across this saying, ' If you think you need to go fast you probably need to go slow'.

This  has stuck in my head for some reason.  I find myself remembering as I rush from one thing to the next that I can move through my life at a difference pace.
A slower pace soothes me. 

Coming Soon! The Kansa Wand

The beautiful bronze and wood tool is a very special skin rejuvenating instrument from the Ayurvedic tradition. I will soon be incorporating it into my facials because the results from this totally natural therapy are outstanding. 

Kansa tools originate from the Indus Valley, a place many consider to be the cradle for all Ayurvedic healing techniques. Kansa wand tools are made from a blend of metals, principally copper and tin. This combination is called bronze in the West and kansa in India. Kansa was also used to create sacred statues, bells and Tibetan singing bowls, all known for having the unique power to heal and restore balance in the skin and body.

 The kansa wand used to massage the face and other parts of the body,  restoring a youthful quality to the complexion, easing tension and pain and reducing congestion and inflammation

When first applied to the skin, the golden metal feels cool, but quickly adjusts to body temperature. The wand warms up quickly, and feels like an energized healing hand on the skin. Bronze is an excellent conductor of electricity, as well as subtle body currents such as acupuncture meridians and the chakra grid.

Stay tuned I will let you know when you can book your facial treatment with the kansa wand.

Monday, February 1, 2016

The Rose Facial a February Ritual

February bring with it the sweet ritual of Valentines day, and what is Valentines with out roses?

Rose is such a valuable healer it only makes sense that it plays a key role in Dr Hauschka skincare. You may have used skincare products that contained rose, but there is something remarkable about the rose used in Dr Hauschka skincare. It comes down to the quality of the ingredients. 

It is a very rare skincare line that is willing to splurge on the cost of a high quality rose essential oil. Most essential oils on the market or sold in your local health food store are of an extremely low quality they would not be able to produce any sort of healing, in fact they are dangerous to your health, as toxic solvents are used in their extortion method. Sadly,  many people don't  question the safety or the quality of a product if it's found on the shelf of a store, and sadder still is the lack of knowledge and skill the sales staff in stores have to educate people.  End of my rant! 

 What I am trying to share with you is that it is incredibly rare to find high quality ingredients in skincare, and it absolutely makes a difference on so many levels for our being and our body. In my rose facial I focus on using the numerous products in the Dr Hauschka line that feature the high vibrational rose. 

The rose has been used for a wide variety of effects on humans. It is anti-inflammatory,  hormone
balancing, a aphrodisiac, has an antidepressant effects as well as calming for nerves, and it
promots liver function. For skin it is valuable for its antioxidant, soothing and scar-softening properties and mild astringency. Centuries of research and experience tells us that rose offers a host of benefits while elevating our spirit and consciousness. It has accompanied us on our evolutionary path and serves us as a touchstone for balance.

There is current scientific enthusiasm over one natural component of the rose essential oil: farnesol. Found to support the skin’s ability to balance itself, it helps oily skin become less oily and dry skin less dry. Farnesol is a close cousin to estrogen. Estrogen is the “moisture-making” hormone. Estrogens make sebum less sticky and calm its production. In addition, a recent study showed that rose oil aids in absorption and penetration of ingredients with which it is combined—it opens up the skin to receive what is applied. This supports the idea of the rose having the gesture of opening up and unfolding to reveal the treasures within.

Ready to  experience this heavenly flower in it's most purest form?

For the month of February I will be offering the Rose Facial, a 75 minute treatment for $90

I offer gift certificates on my website so you can gift a love one with this naturing and restorative treatment. 

If your are ready to book your treatment you can reach me at 250 294 9915 or kdaunhauer@shaw.ca

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Things I Love This January

Hmmm...January has been a bit of a roller coaster ride for me.  I found myself experiencing unexpected bouts of what I can only call the 'blues'. These moods would roll in from no where and linger around and then just as mysteriously disappear.  I discovered that many of my facial clients were also finding Janruay 2016 just as intense as myself.  I must admit I felt some relief knowing I was not alone in this phenomena.  While I continue to ensure I get outside and take my vitamin D3, I thought I would share some lovely bits of inspiration that arrived this January, which truly made my days more sweet. 

First off I came across this  most amazing album by Jewel, the Lullaby Album.  I really haven't listen to much of her music but this album is great with a few songs that just knock me out. Be sure to listen to 'Raven', 'All the Animals', and 'Forever and a Day, Always'. 

If you get Netflixs check out The Last Kingdom.  It's a British television series, based on a adaptation of Bernard Cornwell’s historical novels series The Saxon Stories.  It tells the story of the Danes invading England. As you can see it has some eye candy and is perfect to get lost in the story on these long winter nights.

I really enjoyed Joy - the movie.  I found it upbeat, inspirational and well acted.  

My good read for January was Snow Flower and the Secret Fan Snow Flower.
A beautiful story and an educational lesson in the practice of foot binding that went on in China.

In January I began an online painting course by Mati Mcdonald.  This is the 3rd online painting course I have done and I love them. I can 'attend' class when ever I want.   I highly recommend it for the soul.  Below is my first abstract painting I completed from this class.  Check out the class I am taking here: Mati Rose Abstract Painting Class

Lastly, I am aways excited to find new effective ways to support my health. This January I got to escape the cold winter with a paradise escape to Maui. While on the island I learnt about an amazing essential oil company  original swiss aromatics
Located in California, and founded by Swiss born Kurt Schnaubelt and his wife and son.  I always feel aromatherapy is underrated because true essential oils are very rare. Seriously what you find in your health food store are very poor quality. There fore when you use them you don't experience what essential oils can really do for you.  
 I just placed a large order, which included a blend for my teeth, a blend for my immune and lymph system, PMS blend, a wrinkle blend ( I tell you how that goes!) and a few other odds and end. Can't wait for them to arrive, it will be like opening a treasure chest. 

I hope some of these tidbits give you a warm fuzzy feeling and cushion you against the grey skies of January.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

June Facial News

This beautiful woman is Gabriella a Dr Hauschka esthetician from Germany.  She radiates good health inside and out.  All of us want to have healthy, vital skin. That means paying attention to what is going on inside of us, from the foods we eat to the emotions we feel. On the outside it means educating ourselves on what feeds our skin, what is in our skincare products and what procedures best care for our skin.  Many of us are busy in our lives. The majority of my clients are in their 50's and 60's and still find that they are as busy as when they had children at home or were working full time. Its not always easy to make time for ourselves.  A Dr Hauschka Treatment is a way to care for ourselves on so many levels. It was designed to address not only the physical skin but our emotional body and our 'soul' aspect. It does so with essential oils and rhythmic massage that effects our entire being. With summer approaching I recommend you give your skin the gift of a Dr Hauschka treatment to strengthen and enliven your skin.  Many of us spend more time outdoors in the summer which is very healing for the body, and we also want to ensure that we protect our skin from the new elements it will be dealing with, sun, salt water, wind etc etc.
In my treatment room I have the great gift of being able to customize my treatments to the seasons and to your skins own unique needs. With the warmer months I like to incorporate more lemon into the facial. Known for its toning abilities, lemon strengthens the skin and the connective tissue, helping to firm the skin and detoxify it.  Its uplifting fragrance is also the prefect warm weather pick me up and refresher.

Treatment cost and length of time:
75 minute Facial $135
2  Hour Classic Treatment $175
1  Hour Refresher $ 100

My top 5 Dr Hauschka products for Summer Skin Vitality

Here we are in June.  Summer is indeed unfolding before us and as we move from Spring to Summer our skin appreciates us giving it the care and attention it needs specific to each season.  I get excited to change up my skincare routine with each new season. Summer finds me thinking about lighter weight products on my skin, fresh uplifting scents, and supportive ingredients that strengthen and feed my skin so it can better withstand any intense outdoor weather.  These are my favourite Dr Hauschka picks for healthy skin in the summer.

1.  I gravitate towards using light day moisturizers in the summer and craving fresh scent from pure essential oils in my skincare.  Summer is perfect for either the Quince Day Cream or Melissa Day Cream.  Quince Day Cream is very light in texture and has a fresh slightly citrus scent, with the  added bonus of being cooling to the skin, something we crave during the hot months of summer. Quince wax forms a light, breathable protective layer to retain the skin’s own natural moisture levels. The quince seed extract deeply moisturises and refreshes the skin.
Another day cream well suited to summer is the Melissa Day Cream. Melissa is the latin name for lemon balm, a herb that helps balance oil levels in the skin. It's ideal for  combination skin or people that find the warmer weather brings out more oils in their skin. It contains tapioca starch from the cassava root which helps to absorb excess oils on the skin through out the day for a matte finish.  Also to note, this day cream smells divine, as lemon balm is so uplifting and fresh. I love using it on a warm summer day.

2.  Soothing Mask.  I have adopted the philosophy of "wise interaction with the sun."  I don't subscribe to what many dermatologist advise women to do, which is to wear sunscreen every day of the year.  So much new research has come available on sun screens detrimental effect to our bodies not to mention sun screens link to seriously low vitamin D levels.  I see myself as a plant which needs sun. But one does have to be wise and pay attention to how much sun.  If things don't go as planned and you do end up with a pink nose or burnt shoulders, my go to product is the Dr Hauschka Soothing Mask. It calms the skin, reduces redness and provides a soothing touch.  Once again, the scent is remarkable, in this case it is the camomile used for its calming properties.  Sometimes I just take some Soothing Mask and put it above my upper lip, I love the scent that much!

3.  Translucent Bronze Concentrate: This is a multi purpose product.  If you want to get a instant glow happening on your skin, skip the drug store self tanners and try this product that uses stinging nettle extract for its iron rich bronze toned colour.  Non greasy, light weight, Translucent Bronze Concentrate can be added to your day cream to give a bit of colour  to the face or add it  to your body moisturizer for  colour to your legs and arms.  This product can also be used straight on the cheeks as a bronzer or you can add it to your favourite foundation colour in the summer to match it to your sun kissed skin.

4.  Dr Hauschka Toners.   Keep it in the fridge on extra hot days for a super refreshing spritz on your face.  Containing the highest quality witch hazel renowned for its ability to keep the skin toned and firm.  If I was taking a road trip this would be my traveling companion.  Its earthy herbal smell is grounding and the medicinal herbs support  many vital functions in the skin.  During the day: regular spritzing of Facial Toner instantly refreshes and cools; keeps the skin’s hydration levels up and helps to hold make-up in place.
Morning: to carry the precious properties of your day cream deeper into your skin. At the same time minimising the appearance of pores, balances moisture & oil and leaves skin looking and feeling radiant.
Evening: replaces your night cream supporting the skin’s natural processes of cleansing and renewal.

5.  Clarifying Day Oil ( formally Normalizing Day Oil ).  One might not think of using an oil in summer, but this is my go to treatment in the summer months. This product is a blend of super high quality plant oils that are all high in antioxidants.  Antioxidents bring oxygen to the cells and help repair the cells. Wonderful for the skin on so many levels.  If you get a lot of out door time in the summer you want to insure your skin is strong to it can with stand intense sun, wind, ocean, sea and sand...all the out door elements.  I use this before I go outside for protection and when I come back inside after an intense period of outdoor time. If I am at the beach or lake and I am in and out of the water I like to apply this each time I come out.  I find it super protective for the skin.  It absorbs well into the skin so your don't look greasy.  Also keep in mind that natural plant oils have naturally occurring SPF in them so you will be getting some sun protection when you use this if that is a concern for you.